Source code for punpy.digital_effects_table.measurement_function_utils

"""Use Monte Carlo to propagate uncertainties"""

import comet_maths as cm
import numpy as np

__author__ = "Pieter De Vis"
__created__ = "30/03/2019"
__maintainer__ = "Pieter De Vis"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"

[docs] class MeasurementFunctionUtils: """ Class with utility functions to help in the uncertainty propagation and handling of error correlations :param xvariables: list of input quantity names, in same order as arguments in measurement function and with same exact names as provided in input datasets. :type xvariables: list(str) :param uncxvariables: list of input quantity names for which uncertainties should be propagated. Should be a subset of input quantity names. Defaults to None, in which case uncertainties on all input quantities are used. :type uncxvariables: list(str), optional :param ydims: list of dimensions of the measurand, in correct order. list of list of dimensions when there are multiple measurands. Default to None, in which case it is assumed to be the same as refxvar (see below) input quantity. :type ydims: list(str), optional :param str_repeat_dims: Strings used to select the axis which has repeated measurements. Axis can be specified using the name(s) of the dimension. :type str_repeat_dims: list(str) :param str_repeat_noncorr_dims: list of dimension names to be used as repeated dims :type str_repeat_noncorr_dims: list(str) :param verbose: boolean to set verbosity :type verbose: bool :param templ: templater object :type templ: punpy.digital_effects_table_template :param use_err_corr_dict: when possible, use dictionaries with separate error-correlation info per dimension in order to save memory :type use_err_corr_dict: bool, optional :param broadcast_correlation: correlation form ("rand" or "syst" to use when broadcasting :type broadcast_correlation: str :param param_fixed: set to true or false to indicate for each input quantity whether it has to remain unmodified either when expand=true or when using repeated measurements, defaults to None (no inputs fixed). :type param_fixed: list of bools, optional """
[docs] def __init__( self, xvariables, uncxvariables, ydims, str_repeat_dims, str_repeat_noncorr_dims, verbose, templ, use_err_corr_dict, broadcast_correlation, param_fixed, ): self.xvariables = xvariables self.uncxvariables = uncxvariables self.verbose = verbose self.ydims = ydims self.str_repeat_noncorr_dims = str_repeat_noncorr_dims self.str_repeat_dims = str_repeat_dims self.templ = templ self.repeat_dims_form = "structured" self.use_err_corr_dict = use_err_corr_dict self.broadcast_correlation = broadcast_correlation self.param_fixed = param_fixed
def _find_repeat_dim_corr(self, form, *args, store_unc_percent=False, ydims=None): """ Function to make dict with the error correlation information along the repeated dims. :param form: name or type of uncertainty component :type form: str :param args: One or multiple digital effects tables with input quantities, defined with obsarray :type args: obsarray dataset(s) :param store_unc_percent: Boolean defining whether relative uncertainties should be returned or not. Default to True (relative uncertaintie returned) :type store_unc_percent: bool (optional) :return: dictionary with errcorr info for repeated dims :rtype: dict """ repeat_dims_errcorrs = {} for repeat_dim in self.ydims[0]: if repeat_dim in self.str_repeat_noncorr_dims: repeat_dims_errcorrs[repeat_dim] = { "dim": repeat_dim, "form": None, "params": [], "units": [], } for iv, var in enumerate(self.xvariables): for dataset in args: if hasattr(dataset, "variables"): if var in dataset.variables: comps = self.find_comps( form, dataset, var, store_unc_percent=store_unc_percent, ydims=ydims, ) if comps is None: continue elif len(comps) == 0: continue elif repeat_dim in dataset[var].dims: repeat_dims_errcorrs = ( self._set_repeat_dims_errcorrs( comps, dataset, var, repeat_dim, repeat_dims_errcorrs, ) ) else: self._check_repeat_err_corr_same( repeat_dims_errcorrs[repeat_dim], "systematic" ) repeat_dims_errcorrs[repeat_dim][ "form" ] = "systematic" return repeat_dims_errcorrs def _set_repeat_dims_errcorrs( self, comps, dataset, var, repeat_dim, repeat_dims_errcorrs ): """ Set repeat_dims_errcorr dictionary values with the error correlation information along the repeated dims. :param comps: name of uncertainty component :type comps: str :param dataset: dataset being querried :type dataset: xarray.dataset :param var: given variable :type var: str :param repeat_dims: Used to select the axis which has repeated measurements using the name(s) of the dimension. :type repeat_dims: str :param repeat_dims_errcorr: dictionary with errcorr info for repeated dims :type repeat_dims_errcorr: dict :return: """ for comp in comps: for idim in range(len(dataset[var].dims)): if dataset[comp].attrs["err_corr_%s_dim" % (idim + 1)] == repeat_dim: self._check_repeat_err_corr_same( repeat_dims_errcorrs[repeat_dim], dataset[comp], idim, ) repeat_dims_errcorrs[repeat_dim]["form"] = dataset[comp].attrs[ "err_corr_%s_form" % (idim + 1) ] repeat_dims_errcorrs[repeat_dim]["params"] = dataset[comp].attrs[ "err_corr_%s_params" % (idim + 1) ] repeat_dims_errcorrs[repeat_dim]["units"] = dataset[comp].attrs[ "err_corr_%s_units" % (idim + 1) ] return repeat_dims_errcorrs def _check_repeat_err_corr_same(self, repeat_dims_errcorr, uvar, idim=None): """ Function to check whether the err_corr along the repeated dim for specific uncertainty variable is the same as the current errcorr dictionary. :param repeat_dims_errcorr: dictionary with errcorr info for repeated dims :type repeat_dims_errcorr: dict :param uvar: Uncertainty variable to check :type uvar: xarray.dataarray :param idim: index of the current dimension. Defaults to None. :type idim: int :return: None :rtype: None """ if repeat_dims_errcorr["form"] is None: pass elif isinstance(uvar, str): if repeat_dims_errcorr["form"] == uvar: pass else: raise ValueError( "punpy.measurement_function: Not all included uncertainty contributions have the same error correlation along the repeat_dims. Either don't use repeat_dims or use a different method, where components are propagated seperately. (%s,%s)" % (repeat_dims_errcorr["form"], uvar) ) else: if ( ( repeat_dims_errcorr["form"] == uvar.attrs["err_corr_%s_form" % (idim + 1)] ) and ( repeat_dims_errcorr["params"] == uvar.attrs["err_corr_%s_params" % (idim + 1)] ) and ( repeat_dims_errcorr["units"] == uvar.attrs["err_corr_%s_units" % (idim + 1)] ) ): pass else: raise ValueError( "punpy.measurement_function: Not all included uncertainty contributions have the same error correlation along the %s dim. Either don't use repeat_dims and/or corr_dims or use a different method, where components are propagated seperately." % (repeat_dims_errcorr["dim"]) ) def _set_repeat_dims_form(self, repeat_dims_errcorrs): """ Function to set self.repeat_dims_form to the correct form. :param repeat_dims_errcorrs: dictionary with errcorr info for repeated dims :type repeat_dims_errcorrs: dict :return: None :rtype: None """ try: if len(self.str_repeat_noncorr_dims) == 0 or len(repeat_dims_errcorrs) == 0: self.repeat_dims_form = "None" elif np.all( [ repeat_dims_errcorrs[repeat_dim]["form"] == "random" for repeat_dim in self.str_repeat_noncorr_dims ] ): self.repeat_dims_form = "random" elif np.all( [ repeat_dims_errcorrs[repeat_dim]["form"] == "systematic" for repeat_dim in self.str_repeat_noncorr_dims ] ): self.repeat_dims_form = "systematic" else: self.repeat_dims_form = "structured" except: if np.all( [ repeat_dims_errcorrs[0][repeat_dim]["form"] == "random" for repeat_dim in self.str_repeat_noncorr_dims ] ): self.repeat_dims_form = "random" elif np.all( [ repeat_dims_errcorrs[0][repeat_dim]["form"] == "systematic" for repeat_dim in self.str_repeat_noncorr_dims ] ): self.repeat_dims_form = "systematic" else: self.repeat_dims_form = "structured"
[docs] def find_comps(self, form, dataset, var, store_unc_percent=False, ydims=None): """ Function to find the components corresponding to provided uncertainty form (name or type). :param form: name or type of uncertainty component :type form: str :param dataset: dataset being querried :type dataset: xarray.dataset :param var: variable for which uncertainty components are being listed. :type var: str :param store_unc_percent: Boolean defining whether relative uncertainties should be returned or not. Default to True (relative uncertaintie returned) :type store_unc_percent: bool (optional) :param ydims: list of dimensions of the measurand, in correct order. :type ydims: list(str) :return: list of names of uncertainty components :rtype: list(str) """ comps = dataset.unc[var].comps if comps is None: pass elif form == "tot": comps = list(comps.variables.mapping.keys()) elif form == "ran" or form == "random": comps = dataset.unc[var].random_comps if comps is not None: comps = list(comps.variables.mapping.keys()) if len(dataset[var].dims) < len(ydims[0]): comps = [] elif form == "sys" or form == "systematic": comps = dataset.unc[var].systematic_comps if comps is not None: comps = list(comps.variables.mapping.keys()) elif form == "str": comps = dataset.unc[var].structured_comps if comps is not None: comps = list(comps.variables.mapping.keys()) else: comps = [] if len(dataset[var].dims) < len(ydims[0]): comps_rand = dataset.unc[var].random_comps if comps_rand is not None: comps.append(*list(comps_rand.variables.mapping.keys())) else: compname = self.templ._make_ucomp_name( var, form, store_unc_percent=store_unc_percent ) if compname in comps: comps = [compname] else: comps = [] return comps
[docs] def get_input_qty(self, *args, ydims=None, sizes_dict=None, expand=False): """ Function to extract input quantities from datasets and return as list of arrays. :param args: One or multiple digital effects tables with input quantities, defined with obsarray :type args: obsarray dataset(s) :param ydims: list of dimensions of the measurand, in correct order. :type ydims: list(str) :param sizes_dict: Dictionary with sizes of each of the dimensions of the measurand. :type sizes_dict: dict :param expand: boolean to indicate whether the input quantities should be expanded/broadcasted to the shape of the measurand. :type expand: bool :return: list of values (as np.ndarray) for each of the input quantites. :rtype: list(np.ndarray) """ if len(self.xvariables) == 0: raise ValueError("Variables have not been specified.") if expand: if sizes_dict is None: raise ValueError("sizes_dict should be set when using expand.") if ydims[0] is None: raise ValueError("ydims should be set when using expand.") datashape = [sizes_dict[dim] for dim in ydims[0]] inputs = np.empty(len(self.xvariables), dtype=object) for iv, var in enumerate(self.xvariables): found = False for dataset in args[0]: if hasattr(dataset, "variables"): if var in dataset.variables: inputs[iv] = dataset[var].values found = True if expand: if (inputs[iv].shape != datashape) and ( not self.param_fixed[iv] ): add_dims = [ dim for dim in ydims[0] if dim not in dataset[var].dims ] for dim in add_dims: tileshape = np.ones(len(ydims[0]), dtype=int) if len(inputs[iv].shape) != len(datashape): tileshape[0] = sizes_dict[dim] inputs[iv] = np.tile(inputs[iv], tileshape) for idim2, dim2 in enumerate(add_dims): inputs[iv] = np.moveaxis( inputs[iv], idim2, ydims[0].index(dim2) ) else: tileshape[ydim[0].index(dim)] = sizes_dict[dim] inputs[iv] = np.tile(inputs[iv], tileshape) elif var in dataset.keys(): inputs[iv] = dataset[var] found = True if not found: raise ValueError("Variable %s not found in provided datasets." % (var)) return inputs
[docs] def get_input_unc( self, form, *args, ydims=None, sizes_dict=None, expand=False, corr_dims=[] ): """ Function to extract uncertainties on the input quantities from datasets and return as list of arrays. :param form: name or type of uncertainty component :type form: str :param args: One or multiple digital effects tables with input quantities, defined with obsarray :type args: obsarray dataset(s) :param ydims: list of dimensions of the measurand, in correct order. :type ydims: list(str) :param sizes_dict: Dictionary with sizes of each of the dimensions of the measurand. :type sizes_dict: dict :param expand: boolean to indicate whether the input quantities should be expanded/broadcasted to the shape of the measurand. :type expand: bool :param corr_dims: set to positive integer to select the axis used in the correlation matrix. The correlation matrix will then be averaged over other dimensions. Defaults to -99, for which the input array will be flattened and the full correlation matrix calculated. :type corr_dims: integer, optional :return: list of uncertainty values (as np.ndarray) for each of the input quantites. :rtype: list(np.ndarray) """ if len(corr_dims) > 0: required_dims = corr_dims else: required_dims = ydims[0] inputs_unc = np.empty(len(self.xvariables), dtype=object) for iv, var in enumerate(self.xvariables): inputs_unc[iv] = None if var in self.uncxvariables: for dataset in args[0]: if hasattr(dataset, "variables"): if var in dataset.variables: if ydims[0] is not None: if expand and not np.all( [dim in dataset[var].dims for dim in required_dims] ): inputs_unc[iv] = self.calculate_unc_missingdim( form, dataset, var, expand=expand, sizes_dict=sizes_dict, ydims=ydims, ) else: inputs_unc[iv] = self.calculate_unc( form, dataset, var ) if np.count_nonzero(inputs_unc[iv]) == 0: inputs_unc[iv] = None if inputs_unc[iv] is None: if self.verbose: print( "%s uncertainty for variable %s not found in provided datasets. Zero uncertainty assumed." % (form, var) ) return inputs_unc
[docs] def calculate_unc(self, form, ds, var): """ Function to extract uncertainties of given form on given variable from the given datasets and return as array. :param form: name or type of given uncertainty component :type form: str :param ds: given dataset :type ds: xarray.dataset :param var: given variable :type var: str :return: uncertainty values for the given variable in the given dataset. returns None if uncertainty component is not present in dataset. :rtype: np.ndarray """ data = None if form == "tot": if self.use_err_corr_dict: return [ ds.unc[var][uvar].value.values for uvar in ds.unc._var_unc_var_names(var) ] else: data = ds.unc[var].total_unc() elif form == "rand": data = ds.unc[var].random_unc() elif form == "syst": data = ds.unc[var].systematic_unc() elif form == "stru": if self.use_err_corr_dict: return [ ds.unc[var][uvar].value.values for uvar in ds.unc._var_unc_var_names(var, unc_type="structured") ] else: data = ds.unc[var].structured_unc() else: try: uvar = "%s_%s" % (form, var) data = ds[uvar] if data.attrs["units"] == "%": return data.values / 100 * np.abs(ds[var].values) except: keys = np.array(list(ds.keys())) uvar_ids = [ ("_%s_%s" % (form, var) in key) and (key[0] == "u") for key in keys ] uvar = keys[uvar_ids] if len(uvar) > 0: data = ds[uvar[0]] if data.attrs["units"] == "%": return data.values / 100 * np.abs(ds[var].values) else: return data.values if data is not None: return data.values
[docs] def calculate_unc_missingdim( self, form, ds, var, ydims=None, sizes_dict=None, expand=False ): """ Function to extract uncertainties of given form on given variable from the given datasets when there are missing dimensions. With missing dimension, we here mean a dimension that is present in the measurand, but not in the input quantity being considered. :param form: name or type of uncertainty component :type form: str :param ds: given dataset :type ds: xarray.dataset :param var: given variable :type var: str :param ydims: list of dimensions of the measurand, in correct order. :type ydims: list(str) :param sizes_dict: Dictionary with sizes of each of the dimensions of the measurand. :type sizes_dict: dict :param expand: boolean to indicate whether the input quantities should be expanded/broadcasted to the shape of the measurand. :type expand: bool :return: uncertainty values for the given variable in the given dataset. returns None if uncertainty component is not present in dataset. :rtype: np.ndarray """ if expand: if sizes_dict is None: raise ValueError("sizes_dict should be set when using expand.") if ydims[0] is None: raise ValueError("ydims should be set when using expand.") datashape = [sizes_dict[dim] for dim in ydims[0]] if (form == "rand") and (self.repeat_dims_form != "random"): out = None elif (form == "syst") and (self.repeat_dims_form != "systematic"): out = None elif form == "stru": ustru = self.calculate_unc("stru", ds, var) if self.repeat_dims_form != "random": urand = self.calculate_unc("rand", ds, var) else: urand = None if self.repeat_dims_form != "systematic": usyst = self.calculate_unc("syst", ds, var) else: usyst = None out = [ ucomp**2 for ucomp in [ustru, urand, usyst] if ucomp is not None and len(ucomp) ] out = np.sum(out, axis=0) ** 0.5 else: out = self.calculate_unc(form, ds, var) if expand and (out is not None): add_dims = [dim for dim in ydims[0] if dim not in ds[var].dims] for dim in add_dims: tileshape = np.ones(len(ydims[0]), dtype=int) if len(out.shape) != len(datashape): tileshape[0] = sizes_dict[dim] out = np.moveaxis(np.tile(out, tileshape), 0, ydims[0].index(dim)) else: tileshape[ydims[0].index(dim)] = sizes_dict[dim] out = np.tile(out, tileshape) return out
[docs] def get_input_corr(self, form, *args, ydims=None, sizes_dict=None, expand=False): """ Function to extract error-correlation matrices for the input quantities from datasets and return as list of arrays. :param form: name or type of uncertainty component :type form: str :param args: One or multiple digital effects tables with input quantities, defined with obsarray :type args: obsarray dataset(s) :param ydims: list of dimensions of the measurand, in correct order. :type ydims: list(str) :param sizes_dict: Dictionary with sizes of each of the dimensions of the measurand. :type sizes_dict: dict :param expand: boolean to indicate whether the input quantities should be expanded/broadcasted to the shape of the measurand. :type expand: bool :return: list of error-correlation matrix values (as np.ndarray) for each of the input quantities. :rtype: list(np.ndarray) """ inputs_corr = np.empty(len(self.xvariables), dtype=object) for iv, var in enumerate(self.xvariables): inputs_corr[iv] = None if var in self.uncxvariables: for dataset in args[0]: if hasattr(dataset, "variables"): if var in dataset.variables: if len(dataset[var].dims) < len(ydims): inputs_corr[iv] = self.calculate_corr_missingdim( form, dataset, var, expand=expand, sizes_dict=sizes_dict, ydims=ydims[0], ) else: inputs_corr[iv] = self.calculate_corr( form, dataset, var ) # check if corr is filled with zeros if not np.any(inputs_corr[iv]): inputs_corr[iv] = None if inputs_corr[iv] is None: if self.verbose: print( "%s error-correlation for variable %s not found in provided datasets." % (form, var) ) return inputs_corr
[docs] def calculate_corr(self, form, ds, var): """ Function to extract error-correlation matrices of given form on given variable from the given datasets and return as array. :param form: name or type of given uncertainty component :type form: str :param ds: given dataset :type ds: xarray.dataset :param var: given variable :type var: str :return: error-correlation matrix values for the given variable in the given dataset. returns None if uncertainty component is not present in dataset. :rtype: np.ndarray """ sli = list([slice(None)] * ds[var].ndim) var_dims = ds[var].dims for i in range(len(sli)): if var_dims[i] in self.str_repeat_dims: sli[i] = 0 dsu = ds.unc[var][tuple(sli)] if form == "tot": if self.use_err_corr_dict: return [ self._convert_err_corr_dict_to_num(unc.err_corr_dict(), var_dims) for unc in dsu ] else: return dsu.total_err_corr_matrix().values elif form == "stru": if self.use_err_corr_dict: return [ self._convert_err_corr_dict_to_num(unc.err_corr_dict(), var_dims) for unc in dsu if unc.is_structured ] else: return dsu.structured_err_corr_matrix().values elif form == "rand": return "rand" elif form == "syst": return "syst" else: try: uvar = "%s_%s" % (form, var) data = ds[uvar] except: keys = np.array(list(ds.keys())) uvar_ids = [ ("_%s_%s" % (form, var) in key) and (key[0] == "u") for key in keys ] uvar = keys[uvar_ids] if len(uvar) > 0: data = ds[uvar[0]] else: data = None try: uvar = "%s_%s" % (form, var) if self.use_err_corr_dict: return self._convert_err_corr_dict_to_num( dsu[uvar].err_corr_dict(), var_dims ) else: return dsu[uvar].err_corr_matrix().values except: keys = np.array(list(ds.keys())) uvar_ids = [ ("_%s_%s" % (form, var) in key) and (key[0] == "u") for key in keys ] uvar = keys[uvar_ids] if len(uvar) > 0: if self.use_err_corr_dict: return self._convert_err_corr_dict_to_num( dsu[uvar[0]].err_corr_dict(), var_dims ) else: return dsu[uvar[0]].err_corr_matrix().values else: return None
def _convert_err_corr_dict_to_num(self, err_corr_dict, var_dims): """ Function to convert err_corr dictionary with dimension names as key, to dictionary with dimension indices as keys :param err_corr_dict: err_corr dictionary with dimension names as key :type err_corr_dict: dict :param var_dims: list of variable dimensions, in correct order :type var_dims: list :return: err_corr dictionary with dimension indices as key :rtype: dict """ err_corr_dict_numdim = {} for idim, dim in enumerate(var_dims): if dim in err_corr_dict.keys(): err_corr_dict_numdim[str(idim)] = err_corr_dict[dim] return err_corr_dict_numdim
[docs] def calculate_corr_missingdim( self, form, ds, var, ydims=None, sizes_dict=None, expand=False ): """ Function to extract error-correlation matrices of given form on given variable from the given datasets when there are missing dimensions. With missing dimension, we here mean a dimension that is present in the measurand, but not in the input quantity being considered. :param form: name or type of uncertainty component :type form: str :param ds: given dataset :type ds: xarray.dataset :param var: given variable :type var: str :param ydims: list of dimensions of the measurand, in correct order. :type ydims: list(str) :param sizes_dict: Dictionary with sizes of each of the dimensions of the measurand. :type sizes_dict: dict :param expand: boolean to indicate whether the input quantities should be expanded/broadcasted to the shape of the measurand. :type expand: bool :return: error-correlation matrix values for the given variable in the given dataset. returns None if uncertainty component is not present in dataset. :rtype: np.ndarray """ sli = [ slice(None) if (ydim not in self.str_repeat_noncorr_dims) else 0 for ydim in ds[var].dims ] dsu = ds.unc[var][tuple(sli)] vardims = [ ydim for ydim in ds[var].dims if (ydim not in self.str_repeat_noncorr_dims) ] outdims = [ydim for ydim in ydims if ydim not in self.str_repeat_noncorr_dims] missingdims = [ ydim for ydim in ydims if ( (ydim not in ds[var].dims) and (ydim not in self.str_repeat_noncorr_dims) ) ] missingshape = [sizes_dict[dim] for dim in missingdims] missinglen = if form == "rand": return None elif form == "stru": cov_stru = dsu.structured_err_cov_matrix() unc_rand = dsu.random_unc() if unc_rand is None: out = cm.correlation_from_covariance(cov_stru.values) else: corr_rand = np.eye( if cov_stru is None: out = corr_rand else: cov_rand = cm.convert_corr_to_cov(corr_rand, unc_rand.values) out = cm.correlation_from_covariance(cov_stru.values + cov_rand) else: out = self.calculate_corr(form, ds, var) if expand and (out is not None): out_1 = cm.expand_errcorr_dims(out, vardims, outdims, sizes_dict) if ( self.broadcast_correlation == "syst" or self.broadcast_correlation == "systematic" ): broadcast_correlation = np.ones((missinglen, missinglen)) elif ( self.broadcast_correlation == "rand" or self.broadcast_correlation == "random" ): broadcast_correlation = np.eye(missinglen) elif isinstance(self.broadcast_correlation, np.ndarray): broadcast_correlation = self.broadcast_correlation else: raise ValueError( "punpy.measurement_function_utils: The provided broadcast_correlation is not valid." ) out_2 = cm.expand_errcorr_dims( broadcast_correlation, missingdims, outdims, sizes_dict ) out = return out